How’s your mental health? If you’re not doing well, you’re not alone.

We are a nation in a mental health crisis. One in four adults this year will report some kind of mental illness. Half of our young adults are suffering. Our teens have higher rates of anxiety than the average psych ward patient in the ’50s. Children’s mental health has been declared a national
state of emergency.

But when I am standing in the ER with my son as he describes his suicide attempt to a nurse, these statistics feel irrelevant. Suddenly this is personal—only my son’s mental health matters. Your mental health matters too. 

Using questions like, “What do I need?” “How can I change?” and “What gives my life purpose?” I will help you develop personal insights, have greater self-compassion, and gently explore your mental health matters.


Grief is not a passive process. It is hard work.

In Bounce, you will learn how to work through your grief with good humor to find peace and purpose. You will discover the different types of grief, models of grief, and the tasks of effective grief work. In the process, you will also learn ways to cope with your hard emotions and develop strategies for resilience. 


Can laughter be "too soon"? No, sometimes that laughter is just in time.

You can read about this in my chapter, “Laughter at a Funeral.” This collection of comforting and encouraging stories provides support in your time of need. When you’re hurting, it helps to remember that you are not alone. Losing a loved one, whether a parent, a child, a spouse, a sibling, or a dear friend is a shared human experience. In these 101 true, personal stories, you’ll read how others handled their loss and found their way to recovery, acceptance, and eventually happiness. You’ll feel like you’re holding a loving support group – 101members strong – in your hands. Find inspiration in stories about coping with loss, regaining your strength, appreciating life, and finding new joy.



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